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To Post or Not to Post: 7 Rules of Posting in Social Media

​We see the famous screenshots from 9gag and memecenter called “Idiots Online” and we just can’t seem to stop laughing about it. Yes sir, there are just some people who don’t know what to post or not post. Yes sir, there are just some people who can’t live a day without making a status. Yes sir, there are just some people who can’t keep their mouth shut, even on the internet. Yes sir, there are just some people who won’t stop treating their social media accounts as if it was their diary or some public wall they can vandalize or lubricate.

So you really should know the rules of how to stay away from people like these and/or avoid turning out to be like them. Yes sir, there are rules and these people don’t seem to know that there are (I should stop using “Yes sir” now). Here are the 7 Rules that you should know before hitting that post button on your status box.

Post: Something funny and #relateable

Do Not Post: Something funny but offensive

Even if you and your group of friends are the only ones who get the jokes, you have to know that you and your kin are not the only ones who can read it. What’s more is that the whole world can see how you and your friends behave in matters like that. Though it’s not bad to have a laugh every once in a while, whatever funny thing you post in public should be 101% offense free. If you just can’t resist showing it to your bros, there’s this thing called “Private messaging” I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

Post: What’s on your witty mind

Do Not Post: What’s on your “attention-seeking” mind

The repetitive phrases of “I’m hungry” and “I’m so ugly” … I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who finds statuses like these to be annoying (especially the “I’m so ugly” statuses). If attention is what you seek, this is the wrong way to do it. If your people dig this, then let me tell you that most people don’t. If you want to tell the world you’re hungry, use humor and say “Dear fridge, I’ll be back in an hour. Please go shopping. Sincerely, hungry as hell” instead. If you want to tell the world that you’re ugly (though I’m more than a hundred percent sure you’re not), use creativity and say “I’m pretty sure I look a lot like Fiona from Shrek” instead. Stop being so melodramatic. Your statuses aren’t a Drama TV show.

Post: facts that are right and stated by credible people and researches

Do Not Post: facts that are wrong and you didn’t even bothered researching if it’s right

Someone from I don’t know which meme website it is, posted a screenshot of (apparently) a blonde’s Facebook status who keeps on pushing the fact that the Sun isn’t a star but, well, a freaking sun! Yup, the status has receive the golden facepalm award. If you’re into facts, better make sure you did some research. You definitely don’t want any of those facts to be facepalm-worthy.

Post: Expressions

Do Not Post: Xpressions

It’s a free country, it’s a free world. We’re entitled to our own expressions. But then there are those guys who say nothing but “Its ugly, so bad, I hate it so much and you should hate it too” without even telling us the reason why we should even hate it. The funny thing about it is that once other people actually try what those guys hate, they’ll find out that its not actually bad. Guess who won shame on that situation? I’ll tell you this at first hand, its not bad to dislike something but you’ve got to tell us the reason why, otherwise you’ll just make a hater out of yourself. And you know what they say about haters… “They’re gonna hate” and they’ll keep on hating until everyone grows tired of them, they’ll be left out in the dust with no one to listen to them. You don’t want that to happen, its depressing.

Post: Your pretty selfie with your smileys

Do Not Post: Your pretty selfie with your duckies

Duckies mean breasts by the way and I did not made the word up. King Henry VIII was the first who used the term to Anne Boylen since he was fond of her “Pretty duckies” #TheMoreYouKnow.

But as much as I like to talk about duckies with you (even though I don’t have any myself), let’s move on with selfies. I’m not really against duck-faces, but yes I’m against duckies because (1) people judge and will definitely call you a term that describes a prostitute, and (2) you should only show those intimate parts to someone special. Well, unless you treat everyone in the internet as a special someone, well newsflash: some of them don’t. If you’re doing this to get boys, trust me when I say the right guy just loves staring at your smile. The right guys like girls who keeps it simple… so simply keep it simple!

Post: Funny stolen shots of your bff and he/she said it's okay

Do Not Post: Funny stolen shots of your bff and he/she doesn’t even know such a picture exists

What would you feel if your best bud does this to you, and your crush saw that picture and may never want to talk to you? Yes, that’s what it feels like. If you’re doing it for revenge, go back and read the previous sentence! If your pal was the first one who posted it, don’t return the action or you’ll find yourselves posting and posting and posting, until you guys realized you’re already exposing your naked pics and nobody wants to see that. Just tell your bud, if he/she posted it first, that you don’t like it and they have to take it down. If they don’t want to then just laugh it off. Comment a joke about it. Your crush might find you a wee bit interesting if he/she saw how you keep your cool.

Post: When you’re fully conscious

Do Not Post: When you’re drunk, drugged, hung-over, lacks sleep, sick, angry, etc.

Going to a bar with friends? Turn off the internet. Going to a crazy party? Turn off the internet. Angry after a break-up? Turn off the internet. Sick at home? Turn off the internet. If you feel either really high or bad, its best to stay away from any social media interactions as much as possible. You might say something that you could only say to your mom and you don’t want that secret googly bear huggie wuggie status to roam the internet forever. Sure, you can delete the status, but people might have already took a screenshot of it by that time.

So make sure to resort all the rules as possible. If you want to break it, I’m not stopping you. Some rules are meant to be broken after all but that depends on the morality of the person whether or not to break it. I don’t want to go too deep on philosophy anymore. If you want to post a status right now, go ahead, I’ve warned you and taught you what you need to do before hitting the post button!

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