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Top 5 Boards that your Pinterest Profiles should have

Want to make a very engaging Pinterest profile? Well, there are a ton of ways to do that such as sharing boards, commenting on pins, and displaying the right kind of boards. But we’ll talk about the many ways of Increasing Pinterest engagement some other time in the future. This blog post will talk about the last one first. Yup!

You should know that type of boards that you display on your profile if you want to get some of those engagement that you crave for. Why? Well, put it this way? Say you’re opening a store, and you need some products displayed on the big looking window for customers to be tempted to go inside and check it out, right? So if you want, at least, for customers to enter the shop, you’ve got to put the best products up front… otherwise, you’re store is just another pass-by. Here are the top 5 boards that you should place on your up-front Pinterest Window!

5. Artwork Board

There are some people who treat Pinterest like Deviantart. They came here looking for pretty artworks to share and make them their cover photos or desktop wallpapers. Adding an Artwork board with your own designs as well will surely add up some traffic on your website, especially if they dig your style. So don’t be afraid to showcase some of the artsy pins. Share some artworks of other artists as well. They might help you share yours!

4. Clothes Boards

Window shopping is fun. Though it’s a bit of a time-waster, girls like me would love to know what kind of clothes best fits her during the season. Pin some clothes on those boards. Make sure they’re in season. If it’s the winter, pins some latest trench coats, boots, etc. If it’s the summer, pin some hot bikinis and road-trip clothes. If you’re a fashionista-queen, you could upload some of your OOTDs from your Instagram too!

3. Zodiac Boards

I use zodiacs as behavioral references instead of future predictions. My friends and I find them somehow accurate on our behaviors and habits. People like #relatable pins, so you probably do too.

2. Quotes Board

Pinterest can be the best social media site to find the best motivational quotes (of course, it has pictures too). Find some of the quotes that would boost up your enthusiasm. Share some quotes of your own as well. You might become famous because of it too!

1. Humor Boards

#relatable pics, memes, text screenshots, etc., etc., etc… we all love a good laugh. Pin some of those who really made your funny bone tickle. Humor boards a rated the highest repins in mine and my friends’ profiles. This would increase the chances of follows, likes and of course, website traffic in both yours and the source of the funny image.

​And if you want to know how your boards are doing, you can go to your settings, click stats and select “Your Pinterest profile” at the top menu of the website. Scroll down to see how many repins, likes, engagements, etc. your boards have.

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